About Lupus Sistas
Our Statement
To Share. To Connect. To Educate. To Empower.
The statistics speak for themselves. Ninety-percent of lupus patients are women.
Black women, along with other minority women including Asian, Latino women, are two to three more times likely than Caucasian women to be diagnosed with Lupus.
Yet, those communities lack the health education and resources to not only survive, but thrive.

Why Lupus Sistas Was Founded
Lupus Sistas was created to help fill that need by:
- Empowering lupus patients to be their own advocate
- Providing online and community support and education to underserved communities, who are more affected by Lupus
- Bridge the gap between patients and the healthcare community to make positive patient outcomes

About Gabrielle Davis, Lupus Sistas Founder
Gabrielle Davis is a former news journalist, turned patient advocate who uses her candid experiences of living with lupus, lupus nephritis, chronic illness and an invisible disease to spread awareness, particularly among underserved populations and those who make decisions that directly impact those populations.
Diagnosed in July 2009 as a 26-year-old newlywed, Gabrielle began her advocacy under Lupus Sistas, to connect, educate and support the lupus community. Since then her advocacy has evolved to providing lupus education and awareness to the medical community, legislatively and organization focus on healthcare and healthcare disparities.